Watch our film 'River Char Voices' launched at our Community Event in Charmouth Wednesday 7th August.
We are working on a charter for the River Char - for more on what a charter means, benefits it offers and how it might work please see our Charter page.
We are working on a charter for the River Char - for more on what a charter means, benefits it offers and how it might work please see our Charter page.
Letting a river have its way
"Keep in mind the passion of the scientist and the precision of the artist."
Vladimir Nabokov (via Horatio Morpurgo)
For the River Char in West Dorset (which has plenty of its own science and art), this is the digital home of the precision of human art.
Here are writing, photographs and other reflections on living with the river.
If you're looking for the science, please try
The River Char Community Project
The Lower Char Community Project
Clean Rivers of West Dorset
Here are writing, photographs and other reflections on living with the river.
If you're looking for the science, please try
The River Char Community Project
The Lower Char Community Project
Clean Rivers of West Dorset
The image (above) from Michael Drayton's 1612 work Poly-Olbion shows the River Car flowing down from the Marshwoode vale where it has its source, which is graced by its own nymph who fills the river from her pitcher.